Conditions: The subscription is tacitly renewed and invoiced every year.
This subscription gives you access to the real-time market data for EEX European Processed Potato Index.
The service is intended for internal and external usage. The data is provided in XML, JSON, and CSV format.
In the calculation of the European Processed Potato Index, recognized prices determined in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands are used and condensed into an unweighted mean for one decitonne (100 kilograms) – the “European Processing Potato Index” as a result, the index reflects the market price for processing potatoes for the production of chips within the European Economic Area.
The EEX European Processed Potato Index, along the value for Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, will be provided on weekly basis and made available every Thursday during maturity months.
The documentation for the EEX Group DataSource API can be found here.